Fat grafting is a procedure designed to correct bodylines or enhance parts of the body. Adipocytes can be taken from the patient’s own subcutaneous tissue, so often fat grafting and liposuction are carried out together. Adipose tissue is removed from sites where it occurs in excess (buttocks, thighs, back) and transplanted to sites that require adjustment (breasts, buttocks, facial wrinkles).
Usually patients can return to work after 1-2 weeks. Physical activity restrictions should be followed for 2-4 weeks. The cosmetic effects of fat grafting can last for years or decades, but it greatly depends on the patient’s lifestyle, diet, and physical activity.
“Tautrimas Aštrauskas Clinic” has VASERlipo® – system which uses minimally invasive ultrasound technology for precision body contouring. This technology doesn’t damage roots of nerves, doesn’t destroy lipocytes and improves skin contraction.